Beyond the noise of controversies real and invented, a 24-hour news cycle demanding perpetual outrage and hyperbole and partisan polarization on grounds more stylistic than substantive and cultural than ideological, the Trump Age has provided a signal that is incredibly clarifying.
To wit, the Trump presidency has exposed the American political elite by illuminating the internal contradictions, deep-seated biases and core hypocrisies of its players. At heart, what his presidency has revealed — due to equal parts Trump Derangement Syndrome, stylistic disdain and genuine fear that his agenda poses a threat to their livelihood — is that power is the political class’s single unifying principle.
I’ve catalogued the greatest ironies of the Trump era in a new piece at PJ Media titled “The 10 Richest Ironies of the Trump Age.”
And I’ve summarized my piece in a shareable Twitter thread that begins below:
An ignored aspect of the Trump era is that the political class has dropped its mask, revealing internal contradictions, deep-seated biases and brazen hypocrisy. In a word, it has betrayed its devotion to one single unifying principle: POWER. THREAD
— Benjamin Weingarten (@bhweingarten) February 6, 2018